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The Very End
S3 licensed
Well well, what do we have here?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I'm doing Holland again this year, but not until later in the year, and I don't think I'll go any further south then Den Hague or maybe Rotterdam.

If you fancy it TVE we could meet up over there? I was going to bring the TT and tear up the Dutch roads. I'll be staying in Haarlem just outside of A'Dam.

Quote from Bose321 :If TVE is going, I am too. I live 5 mins away from Haarlem so that should be cool.

Roughly when do you plan to do that trip, and why going to Netherlands?
But sure, sounds interesting enough if you give me a lift hehe!

And Bose - would be fun to see you in real life too, and even more fun when I give you an ball-kick
The Very End
S3 licensed
How would my K fail? KKK is an superb word - alltho what it stands for is not so superb!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Kkk =(
The Very End
S3 licensed
Uhm... I am a little confused here.
Do you mean that by some reason the amount of won races have decreased?
The Very End
S3 licensed
I have not idea what I am listening to now.. my list tells it's some combination of "Ôøöô"... but it sounds like some remastered shit of Linkin Park..

Anyone know why Winamp from time to time renames your songs to gibberish stuff? I have tried to reinstall it time after time, but after some weeks the same thing happens. Have done various virus scans but nothing turns up
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hahaha I first thought you had gone insane, but then luckily you saved it at the end of the reply What happend with the old account of yours btw?
The Very End
S3 licensed
The new Hobbit movie - It's ok I guess, but I think 3 movies of one book is a little overkill. Seems like they are just going to waste time with endless fighting sequences. Not that I have anything against that - but it's getting a little bit borring at the end of the movie IMO!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from el pibe :When i saw that the thread was created by TVE, I had high hopes that this would be the return of his hilarious drunken life lessons...

but then it is something about tradition and christmas.

Tor, I am dissapoint.

Pfft, would it be better if I wrote some joke about anal sex and jesus?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well good for you. Here it is around 1 meter with snow and the last 60cm have fallen down the last hours. The traffic is totally apeshit and moves allong at -20 km/h ^_^
Go screw yourself and while at it - happy christmas
The Very End
S3 licensed
It's 00.00 here in Norway, and in our tradition it's Christmas!
So please, go jump of a cliff or drown in snow on this marvelous day!
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
I just wanted to have a discussion, and it seem like I got it too!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Think positive man! You're a cool and funny guy which knows a lot og tehnical stuff I can only dream to understand, so belive in yourself and I am sure 2013 is the year
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Stig209 :Good things:
- got my drivers license
- Became the NO.1 goalkeeper of my football team

Bad things:
- break-up with my gf after 3 years together
- gonna make this official now, I got cancer

Are you serious? If so, I am sorry to hear How is the prognoses / how bad is it?

Good thing:

- Passed the truck driving license aswell as the license to drive vechicle trains / semi's etc
- Got in better shape overally
- Got to know new people

Bad things:
- Not having a job, evne tho when I have written a lot of applications
- Not been enough with my close friends this year, hope this will change in 2013
The Very End
S3 licensed
Is that the find-checkpoint-thing?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :Is it me or is there supposed to be a barrier here?

Thats a feature / bug that happens in open FE config. Scawen is aware of it but I think they are not going to do much about it
The Very End
S3 licensed
You dick, you fooled me to read this topic

About Insim I have no clue.
The Very End
S3 licensed
It's way too short time to be able to find out if I can come or not
It would be better of if this question / topic was brought up 3-4 months ago, I think most people will find it hard to manage to plan on so short notice ( specially the ones that lives far away).

Other than that I hope this turns out to a nice event for those that are in it
The Very End
S3 licensed
I see if I got time, not home atm! If I get I will of course come!
The Very End
S3 licensed
You don't remember anything you drunk bastard lol ^_^
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lets try to get some racing going on too ;p
Maybe try some xrt+autocross racing? Or any single car event is good fun!
The Very End
S3 licensed
It looks so damn good! Also there seems to be physics here!
Going to keep an close eye to this!
The Very End
S3 licensed
You drunk bastard haha!
Was great fun
The Very End
S3 licensed
Has it allready started??? O_o
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yup. To answer seriously, I think it's just random. Maybe did the devs plan to have more people there, like a stand or something, maybe it's a easter egg, maybe it's the squat preparing for the end of the world - we do not know and I honestly don't belive the devs know either